Greetings IG community, I've posted that thread to help newbies and make them aware of all the server commands and ability of each.

General Commands

/credits : Display IG credits
/updates : Display the last server update
/rules : Display the server rules
/serverinfo : Display a list of server information
/objective : Display IG objectives
/ep : Spawn an emergency parachute
/pm : To send a private message
/rpm : To reply to a private message
/dnd : To activate/disactivate receiving private messages
/changename : Change your current nickname (required $50,000)
/changepass : Change your current password
/spree ( /spree [ID] ) : Display your or another online player's spree
/richlist : Display a list of player who have the higher amount of money in the community
/times : Display the time required to launch nuke/anthrax bomb
/getid [part of nick] : Get the ID of any part of a nickname you enter
/prestige : To select a prestige weapon (3000 score required)
/mk : To heal yourself (medic kit is required)
/ap : To armour yourself (medic kit is required)
/kill : To commit suicide
/stats (/stats [ID] ) : Display your or another online player's stats
/ss : Change your default spawn point  (must be captured to your team)
/topkills : Display a list of players who have the higher amount of kills in the community
/topscore : Display a list of players who have the higher amount of score in the community
/topdeaths : Display a list of players who have the higher amount of deaths in the community
/duel [ID] [Bet] : To send a duel

Deathmatch Commands

/Cbdm : To join deagle deathmatch
/mgdm : To join minigun deathmatch
/Sdm : To join sniper deathmatch

Team Commands

/tr : To chat with your teammates
/st : To change your team
/sc : To change your class

Special Zones

/anthraxhelp : Display a guide on how to launch an anthrax bomb (skull located in the SF ship near the gas station)
/bridgehelp : Display a guide on how to lock the bridge (located near Tango base)
/nukehelp : Display a guide on how to launch a nuke bomb ( located in area 51)


Support (Rank 0 ) (45 score)
Medic     (Rank 1 ) (50 Score)
Sniper    (Rank 2 ) (100 score)
Engineer (Rank 5 ) (1500 Score)
Spy         (Rank 8 ) (6000 Score)
Pilot        (Rank 9 ) (7500 Score]

I hope it helped you. If something is missed/wrong just mention it in a reply. Thanks!