Hello there,

To become an staff member at COD:iG, you need to pass the following requirements:


- +1000 Score ingame

- Less than 10% warnings on both forum and ingame

- You've to pass at least 1 month as part of the community.

- 50 Posts on forum (Don't spam)(IT IS a must please note if you don't meet this,your application is going to be DENIED.)   Removed for now.

- Good English/Grammar skills (Any other language than English like (Russian, Spanish, etc) is a plus).

- A thorough understanding of server and it's commands.

- Must have a good knowledge/experience of admin commands Replaced with Admin Academy.

- Good behavior

- Must have a discord account.


Ingame Name:




Do you have discord?:

For how long have you been playing SA-MP and for how long have you been playing in COD-iG?:

Tell us something about yourself: [Min. 70 words]

Have you ever been banned from our server?:

Screenshot of your ingame statistics(No edited screenshots):

Why do you play SA-MP? (Computer, Community...):

If you could rate your English/Grammer skills from 1-10 what would you be?:

Why would you like to become a staff member[Min 100 words]?:


Do not bump your application.

Do not ask for votes from any administrator.

You have to wait at least a 2 weeks before applying again, in case if your application was rejected.

Only Administrators are allowed to vote on the applications. However, if you have any important information about the applicant, you can post it.