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You are here » Infinity Gaming » Information » Ingame Rules

Ingame Rules

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1. Do not hack or cheat.

2. Do not beg admins for anything.

3. Do not shout in chat about hackers,use /report instead.

4. Do not offend anyone's religion,ethnicily or their character
5. No advertising(this includes all links outside the community).

6. Do not spawn kill or base rape with vehicle.

7. Do not pause while capturing zones.



9. Respect everyone,this includes players and admins.

10. Do not use [iG] tag without permission of Management.

11. Do not impersonate or use similar names.

12. No /q jokes.

13. Do not heliblade or carkill/park.

14. Do not G-Abuse (Drive-By without driver).

15. Do not use heavy vehicles when there are less than 25 players (In case you are still in one when the player count drops)

16. Do not team up with your enemies.

17. Do not spam or flood in any way.

18. Do not farm score or cash.

19. Any kind of bug abuse is not tolerated (2-shot,Slide,Cbug etc; C-bug is only allowed in DM/Duel).

20. Do not be AFK in a enemy base (Zones are allowed)

21. Do not attack or kill your teammates

22. No backseat-moderating | Info (When a person tries to act like a mod or an administrator)


You are here » Infinity Gaming » Information » Ingame Rules